UPDATE 20 is an exhibition without a specific theme. Rather, the aspect of continuity is taken up and thus a focus is made visible in the depiction of the contemporary artistic work of the members. The works shown are outlooks on the current topics and working methods, which span a broad range with forward-looking, future-oriented, socio-politically critical, acute and burning content.
We are pleased to present 85 positions of the members of the VBK in three consecutive blocks.
Even if the Senate's amended regulation allows us to show exhibitions in the VEREIN BERLINER KÜNSTLER gallery, it is in a limited form. This means that for the time being no vernissages in the usual form and no events are allowed to take place. The respective exhibition volumes are accompanied by a circular opening, which makes it possible to visit the gallery in accordance with the hygiene regulations.
Be curious and we are very much looking forward to welcoming you back.